People with Disabilities
In-Home Supportive Services
Building confidence and independence
In-home support provides adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who live in their own homes, whether in a house, apartment, or other community living situation with supportive services designed to help people live successfully in the community. Participants may live anywhere in Minnesota to be eligible; however, we are typically able to provide services in Benton, Isanti, Kanabec, and Mille Lacs counties. An Individual Support waiver is required to be eligible for these services.
Daily Living Skills
Community Integration
Individual support at home
We all need help sometimes. People with disabilities often need community-based services to support their needs and to live as independently as possible in the community they want to call home. This includes assistance with daily activities, such as getting dressed, taking medication, preparing meals, job coaching, residential supports, and managing money. Our compassionate direct support professionals (DSPs) provide this support to people with disabilities in the comfort of their own homes.
Our DSPs help build interpersonal and communications skills and work closely with day programs and/or employers to help the people they serve build connections and thrive in community.
Every person is unique, which is why we never use a one-size-fits-all approach. Services are tailored to the person’s individual needs and goals.
Commonly Asked Questions
Participants are usually referred by a county case manager (from the county where they reside). The county case manager can help individuals determine if they are eligible for these services.
No. A person is eligible to receive services if they meet the criteria outlined by the Minnesota Department of Human Services including being 18 years old or older, determined to have a developmental disability or related condition, unable to function independently without services, and is not at risk of placement in an intermediate care facility.
Want to create joy for people with disabilities? Become a direct support professional!