Children, Youth & Families
VOA High School
Helping students reach their full potential
VOA High School (VOAHS) offers credit recovery to students in the Minneapolis-metropolitan area. Students may be in grades 10-12 and up to 21 years of age to earn their high school diploma. VOAHS is a state-approved Minneapolis Public School Contract Alternative Program. The school is newly located between East Hennepin and East Broadway just off of Stinson Blvd in Northeast Minneapolis, serving students from all over the metro area as well as neighboring suburbs.
A Fresh Start
Flexibility & Support
A diploma on your terms
All young people have the ability to reach their full potential. Yet struggling in school can feel overwhelming. There are many reasons why students may fall behind on the credits they need to earn their diploma and VOA High School is there to bridge the gap for students to achieve success in school, career, and life. VOA High School (VOAHS) helps students build a pathway to graduation through engaging curriculum, flexible scheduling, small class sizes, and on-site supportive services.
Every student has their own learning style and traditional education models may not work for everyone. Project Based Learning helps students build knowledge and exercise their creativity while engaging in real-world problem solving or answering complex questions. Through a project structure, students spend an extended period developing deep content knowledge and critical thinking skills to deliver on a product or presentation.
Through Experiential Learning, students focus on leadership development and community service learning through hands-on learning, outdoor adventures, and environmental activities. Activities include backpacking, rock climbing, canoeing, dog sledding, and urban adventures.
VOAHS believes that every student is a whole person with a range of needs beyond the walls of a classroom. VOA teachers and support staff strive to build trust and relationships to foster a safe learning environment where students have the resources they need for life as a foundation for academic success. Students work with advisors and counselors to carefully monitor credits to help keep students on track for graduation.
Every student is unique, which is why we never use a one-size-fits-all approach. VOAHS creates intentional instruction models for the individual needs of each student, with a focus on developing reading and math skills.
Special Features
EL's (English Learners), level 3 and up, are served with language instruction in core content classes. VOAHS has a full-time licensed ESL teacher as well as bilingual staff to communicate well with VOA families. Students with IEP's and 504 plans are supported by highly qualified licensed school staff. All students are assigned an extended advisory to allow time for one-to-one academic supports.
VOA High School has two PBL (Project-Based Learning) periods during their regular school day where students show their mastery in a class in a way that is relevant to their lives and their futures. Students can solve real world problems that also fit their specific credit needs by choosing topics and projects of interest.
VOA HS offers an independent study option for students close to graduation but in need of less time at the school due to outside of school responsibilities. Independent Study or ISP students are only required to attend a minimum 20% of their weekly class time.
VOA High School offers many unique credit recovery options as well as flexible schedules that fit most students’ needs. Students currently follow a hybrid schedule. Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays are in-person days for all students and on Fridays, students work on class assignments asynchronously, on their own time, either at home or at school. Fridays the school building is open for more individualized support from teachers and support staff.
Ready to Get Connected?
Non-MPS students can use the MPS Placement Portal to request VOA High School today.
See what students gain while attending VOA High School
Additional Information
Courses and credits you need to graduate: VOA High School’s licensed counselor will make sure you are working on the credits you need to graduate. VOA High School offers ALL courses you need to meet the state and MPS graduation requirements. Every credit you earn at VOA High School is tied to Minnesota State Standards and is a Minneapolis Public Schools credit. Once your credits are earned, you will have a choice of a diploma from your home MPS high school or a Minneapolis Public Schools diploma. VOA High School holds multiple grading periods within each quarter providing students with timely feedback on progress.
Great Recovery Options: VOA High School provides students with experiential learning options that allow students to earn credit for camping around the state of Minnesota. In addition, after school classes at the school or online curriculum allow for credit recovery in all subjects to help students get back on track and graduate on time. We also provide credit earning opportunities during natural school breaks: Winter break academy, Spring break academy, and Summer School.
VOA high school recognizes that many of our students are juggling a lot of responsibilities. We have multiple systems and people in place to help students handle the variety of challenges they face so they can become the scholar and person they want to be.
The support staff includes a social worker who works with our students and families to provide resources for food, medical health, housing, and more as well as providing mental health and emotional support, an ALC+ coordinator who works with county involved young people to help with their unique situations, a school based therapist who can help our young people improve their ability to face problems, build self-esteem and increase their overall sense of well-being, and a guidance counselor who ensures students classes and learning are tailored specifically to them and help our students decide what they want to do after graduating high school.
This team works with students, teachers, and a variety of community partners to assure students all get individualized support and attention to help them reach all their goals. If you or your student is currently in need of support or you are looking to enroll a student and have questions for the support staff, please email: studentsupport@voamn.org
Students who have attended a Minneapolis Public School (MPS) or MPS Contract alternative school may enroll at VOAHS at any time throughout the school year. Students who are new to Minnesota, the Minneapolis Public School district, in need of language support services, or special education services must contact the MPS placement Center before enrolling at VOAHS.
When VOAHS is at maximum enrollment, students will be placed on a waiting list. Students must complete registration materials before attending, and parent or guardian approval is necessary for enrollment of minors. Please contact the school office at 612-375-0700 for more information.
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